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General Protection and Gender Based Violence
South Sudan is primarily a protection crisis. Since 2013, the population has been exposed to repeated deliberate attacks on civilians and other violations of international humanitarian and human rights law, including forced recruitment of children and deliberate destruction of civilian infrastructures. Government soldiers, armed opposition groups and criminals all act with complete disregard for the rule of law. Affected People All segments of the population are exposed to protection risks.
Women and girls have been disproportionately affected by gender-based violence, with uniformed soldiers often reported to be the perpetrators. Men and boys face high risks of forced recruitment, as well as the threat of being detained or killed if they are perceived to be of fighting age. Elderly and disabled persons are often unable to flee in advance of fighting and face increased challenges in accessing services. Without a safe environment, children are particularly vulnerable to abuse, neglect, recruitment and psychological trauma.
The eruption of fighting in Juba in July 2016 highlighted the fragility of the protection environment in South Sudan. The outbreak of violence plunged civilians back into a state of uncertainty, and further compounded their already desperate protection needs. Both parties to the conflict have been accused of violations of international humanitarian law and grave human rights violations, including killing, abduction, rape and restrictions on freedom of movement. These have been compounded by the patriarchal society that encourages Harmful traditional practices like early child marriage and forced marriage. In response to these, CMD in the next five years will focus on the following goal and strategies:
Strategic Goal
“Promote protection and advocacy against Gender Based Violence programmes in the communities”
Advocacy for basic rights : support for projects that advocate fpr rule of law and access to justice especially for IDPs and Refugees
Gender Based Violence: Advocate against GBV through awareness creation, capacity building and advocacy
Advocacy and capacity building on sexual and reproductive health rights: support deliberate programs that will bring behavior change among men so that women are guaranteed their sexual and reproductive choices,